The Vision of the Renukacollege of education is to provide quality education which will open up new vistas of development of enrolled students to make self-reliance, prosperous happy and strong nation through promoting creativity among the students in both the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching. To develop pre service teacher trainee into good ideal devoted and dedicated Teachers trainee in there services. To Develop the Skills of using the technology in teaching and learning. To develop the all Round teacher personality of the trainee. Achievement of goals stated in the constitution of India and its Preamble provision of equality in educational opportunities for specially girls transacting value based education leading to a Well integrated society empowering student teachers through innovative and justified use of Technology overcoming professional and global challenges through collaboration in a techno Savvy era maximization of students potential

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Shrimati . Minal Shivraj Motegaonkar


Shri. Shivraj Raghunath Motegaonkar


Dr. Kailas s mote



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Ganesh Nagar, Saraswati Colony, Motegaonkar Education Campus Renapur.-413527


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